Thursday, June 16, 2011

Weiner for Thought

Today, Anthony Weiner was driven to resignation based on some "lewd" photographs (also known to those without mental issues as porn) and the fact that he initially lied about them.

"How can we ever trust him again?"

How many times do I have to hear that statement before I go insane? Does anyone really think about what they're saying? Never mind the fact that all politicians lie, but we elect them anyway; all lawyers lie but we use them when we need them; and basically all humans lie, and if you think you don't you just lied to yourself.

The flawed logic in a statement like "how can we ever trust him again?" is that you are basically saying 'once a liar, always a liar.' This can not possibly be true. Okay, yes, it's true enough that he will lie again, as will you, as will I. But you make it out to sound like every word out of his mouth will now be a lie.

I have great news. Anthony Weiner told the truth once. How can we ever call him a liar again!?!?! Or at least I hope this is what's going on in your mind, because if it isn't, you're either a hypocrite, or a really stupid person.

So here's the thing: he was called out on sending suggestive pictures of himself all around. Obviously it didn't bother people until it bothered one person; then everyone else came forward for fifteen minutes of fame. It's embarrassing and silly, but not exactly of the same caliber as Watergate. Some lies just don't matter. And if it weren't for the Big-Brother-esque internet we have now, he'd have been right to lie. Look what happened when the truth was out! Even if he copped to it immediately there would be outraged housewives calling for him to be publicly stoned for having a penis and daring to admit it. The right thing to do in a situation like that (not dis-similar to Obama's birth certificate fiasco) is to brush it aside because it's nothing more than sensationalism. Get on with your day, people. Let the guy do his job. Now a likely decent congressman is practically forced to walk away from his job in shame. Thanks, people. Next I suppose we'll get a real goober that lies about important political issues but only shows his penis to his wife. Muuuuuch better.

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